Cards From The Box #1: A Odd Rookie Obsession

**In this series we examine cards from my first era of collecting [1987-1995] which I haven't since 1999. You can find the origin post of this series here. **

Looking through these cards again I was surprised that I was quite the prospector. Unfortunately I collected during just about the worst possible time with so many cards being produced each year chances are much of my collection will never command high prices. I had hopes that I would find several copies of one of the few cards that has gone up in value, Derek Jeter rookies from 1993. I would be happy with Topps or Upper Deck, hell, I'll even take Score. But alas, no Jeters were to be found in the box. There were many, many, many other rookies cards for prospects that I was certain would be great [and we'll go into a lot more detail on that in future posts]. 

I would say 90% of the cards in the box were cards I pulled from packs myself. In my hometown of Eau Claire, WI we did have a card shop in the late 80's located in our downtown but they soon shuttered their windows about a minute after baseball cards popularity dropped in the early 90's. Other than packed pulled cards and a few from the card shop my other cards would have come from trades with friends and some thrift sale pickups found by my Dad. 

Long story short, having looked at my cards it's definitely an anomaly that I have three copies of Alfredo Griffin's rookie card. Who knows how I got them as I certainly wasn't busting packs in 1979...let alone alive. Card That Never Were did an interesting take on what Griffin's rookie card should have been.

1979 Topps #705 Alfredo Griffin/Tim Norrid/Dave Oliver


Fuji said…
I bought this card (or maybe traded for it) at some point in the 80's. I'm pretty sure I wanted it because he had a few decent seasons for the A's.