I'm a proud father of a blog, A Pack To Be Named Later, that was nominated for a 2009 Gummie Award for Best New Card Blog. And like new parents I don't get tired of telling people about it. Voting ends in about three days so be sure to vote on your laptop and then on your desktop and then again on your work computer and stop by your parent's house to pick up the odd piece of mail that gets sent to their address and then use their computer and vote again.
Another vote for you, my good sir.
Matt, I didn't vote for you, sorry, but I have been reading it and digging it alot lately... Since I have a computer now I can branch out and ready more than 5 blogs per day. I do think it would be more fair (if folks voted 50 times) to mix it up and vote a few times for each of the 4 awesome blogs nominated. Oh, that wasn't meant to offend anyone elses blog, just my natural self deprecation. And by the way, I didn't know that was your blog baby. I started ripping packs more on my blog hoping that I would be considered as a contributor, but my phone never rang. That my friend, would have got you an extra vote! Good luck to you and your baby!
bruce lee never looked better in gummy.