My Top 5 Favorite 2015 Topps Journey To Star Wars: The Force Awakens Cards

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I've opened about 20 retail packs of Topps' first The Force Awakens card set with more sets to come in the near future I'm sure. So I've made a pretty good dent into the set but I don't quite have a complete one yet so if I missed an obviously great card that you think should be included in the list, give me a comment.

5. #F-2 Poe Dameron Foil
4. #F-4 Finn Foil

The foil inserts are definitely my favorite inserts from the set and it is exciting to pull cards for the new characters even before the movie has arrived. The reverse side doesn't give you any additional information about the film however and the colorful foil cards really bring them to life. I imagine that Poe and Finn might have a similar relationship to Luke and Han from the original Star Wars. Disney is currently trying to find a "young" Han Solo for a future anthology Star Wars film and just about anyone is in contention. It seems to me the perfect actor would have been Oscar Isaac for a new Han Solo movie but obviously that isn't a possibility anymore.

3. Movie Facts #9 Victory at Endor

Although the base cards come in a variety of colors, the black version of "Victory at Endor" frames the image perfectly. Darth Vader's viking funeral on Endor has become a much more important scene since Vader's melted mask shows up in The Force Awakens and I'm excited to see if we learn how Kylo Ren's obtains it. 

2. Story Summary #6 The Rancor Feasts

While all of these selections are personal, this one is REALLY personal. I had a lot of Star Wars figures as a kid but I didn't have many of the bigger toys. My Mom actually made me an Imperial Walker out of cardboard as a kid and I probably treated it nicer than all other "official" toys. One of the big toys I did have was the impressive Rancor figure who could nearly eat an entire figure in its impressively huge mouth. I imagined hundreds of alternate stories that saw Chewbacca, Han, C3PO, The Emperor, etc...getting thrown down into Jabba's Rancor pit. Luke was the only one to escape. 

1. #S-9 BB-8 Sticker

While I'm excited for all the new Force Awakens characters [particularly finally figuring out what Andy Serkis' character Supreme Leader Snuke looks like], I'm looking forward to seeing BB-8's scenes the most. I will probably have my mouth slightly opening thinking how the heck did they get that to actually work. I was lucky enough to pull this BB-8 insert in my very first back of Journey to the Force Awakens and I was hooked on the set immediately.
