The Wallet Card started here and I'm jumping firmly on the bandwagon. I've been thinking about what would be my perfect Wallet Card and here are some of the leading suspects.
How about one of the many, many, many copies of
one of my all-time favorite cards?
1972 Topps #19 Billy Cowan |
Or how about one of my favorite Kirby Puckett cards?
1993 Upper Deck #319 Kirby :uckett Checklist |
But should my Wallet Card be a personal favorite? And should it be new or old? I'm leaning toward vintage and I've always liked this Rusty Staub as an Expo card.
1980 Topps #660 Rusty Staub |
Or should I pick a nice combination of new and old slammed together in 2014 Topps Archives?
2014 Topps Archives #154 Harmon Killebrew |
Or maybe go really really vintage and pick this 1962 Post Johnny Temple. But my Wallet Cards needs to be in good condition at the start of the year so I can track its damage over the year so this one's out.
1962 Post #38 Johnny Temple |
This Pete Incaviglia card screams that it needs to be in someone's wallet for a year! Just think of the photos.
1994 Studio #140 Pete Incaviglia |
If there is one card that I wouldn't mind having destroyed in my wallet it's this Putin card. But then that would mean I would have to carry around a Putin card in my wallet.
2009 Upper Deck 20th Anniversary #1435 |
Maybe I should choose one of my all-time favorites as a kid and my favorite Rated Rookie ever?
1989 Donruss #33 Ken Griffey Jr. Rated Rookie |
Or that same player in Donruss Diamond King style?
1990 Donruss #4 Ken Griffey Jr. Diamond King |
Gorman Thomas has been on my mind recently so maybe a Gorman squatting with a horseshoe mustache?
1980 Topps #623 Gorman Thomas |
Or maybe a "what could have been" star from the past would make a good candidate? If I was a Yankee fan I would definitely choose the Kevin Maas card.
1992 Donruss #9 Todd Van Poppel |
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1993 Upper Deck #427 Tyrone Hill |
1989 Topps #713 Ty Griffin |
1990 Upper Deck #70 Kevin Maas |
How about a leader card to give you more bang for your Wallet Card buck?
1962 Topps #59 American League Strikeout Leaders |
Forget four stars on a card, how about eight floating heads?
1993 Upper Deck Heroes #63 Checklist |
If the Wallet Card idea is biggest thing since Bipping how about a Bip Roberts rookie for my Wallet Card?
1987 Topps #637 Bip Roberts |
Or if my Wallet Card should be
something ironic how about a Joe Morgan Diamond King?
1983 Donruss #24 Joe Morgan Diamond King |
Or a semi-hated announcer Tim McCarver? I know a lot of people out there wouldn't mind his card being destroyed.
1977 Topps #357 Tim McCarver |
Here's a card that will probably survive pretty well in my wallet. These 3-D Super Star cards curl but they are made of some pretty strong stuff
1977 Kellogg's 3-D Super Stars #54 John Messersmith |
What would be a better Wallet Card than these Studio cards that look like actual credit cards?
1995 Donruss Studio #11 Kenny Lofton |
The back side are every more realistic so you might end up actually trying to pay for something with your Wallet Card.
Oh crap I totally forgot considering a Packers card for my Wallet Card! I'm sure a chrome Jordy would survive wouldn't he?
2013 Panini Prizm #22 Jordy Nelson |
But maybe a mini would fit better in my wallet.
2012 Topps Magic #9 Clay Matthews Mini |
So there you have it...I have many many many possibilities.
Before I announce which card I've chose I thought I would mention that although I've never done the Wallet Card thing before I do use a penny sleeve to protect my non-check cards. You've got to change out the penny sleeve every couple of months but it works pretty well and holds many cards.
And in the end I think I will choose good old Gorman:
Oh the places you'll go Gorman, oh the places you'll go..