A Fan's Quest I Can Appreciate

My former local newspaper, the Lawrence Journal-World, recently published a little video highlighting the quest of one collector in creating a baseball museum to Hall of Famer Joe Tinker.  Tinker is from Muscotah, Kansas which is a town of about 200 people located on the western side of the state. 

I couldn't help but appreciate his quest to build the museum and my own work at building my collection of Andy Pafko cards and memorabilia, although I'm not at the museum creation stage.  The Journal-World doesn't allow people to embed their videos so you can view it by going directly to their page.  


mike said…
In about a month's time, your Pafko museum is going to acquire a few more items, and your set checklists are going to need a thorough scrubbing. I've got a generous helping of material awaiting your return to the states!
Alex Stuarts said…
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Matt Flaten said…
Thanks so much Mike for all your hard work and I can't wait to see what you have in store!