The Most Unflattering Card Of The Year

As a person with a history of unflattering photos this one ranks as an all-time unflattering one.  I'm sure there have got to be better CC photos out there from last year.  How about this, and this, and this.

2012 Topps #145 CC Sabathia


night owl said…
The ball's in CC's court.
TheHitKing said…
Yea, the guys at the office had a solid chuckle on this big boy. I blame it on Topps ability to show MLB logos in the back drop. They are just showing off. Poor CC. I bet he would be fun to kill a pizza and case of PBR with.
JediJeff said…
I remember when Sabathia signed with the Yanks and UniWatch wondered this very thing:
Floyd Baker said…
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