Why? Because the new Radiohead album The King of Limbs is coming out.
Usually Radiohead tours pretty extensively before an album comes out to work out the kinks of their new songs but they've taken the last half year off and so I have no idea what to expect with this. Plus, with it only being an mp3 download release on Saturday there haven't been studio versions of songs from the album leaked yet...this all reminds me of how I felt right before Kid A came out. Kid A was probably the last major life changing album that I didn't have any clue what it would sound like when I put it in the CD player for the first time. That is always such a great experience when the album blows your mind like "National Anthem" did for me and I'm hoping to get at least 1/10th that experience with The King Of Limbs.
my life-changer was OK Computer, but i'm probably a bit older than you...
VW: skings