Your Odds Of Getting A 100000000 Card Giveaway Code Just Got A Little Better

If you haven't been to your retail card aisle recently you may not have seen this new product: four packs of 2010 Update plus a guaranteed 1000000 Card Giveaway code card. That brings your odds to 1:4, improving on the 1:6 odds in packs. Plus, you still might strike gold in the additional four packs. In the package I opened I pulled two other code cards so I am very pleased. I'll highlight what the randomizer gave me when it start spitting out '50s cards again.


Nice!!! I love the retail isles at some of the local stores. The "value" packs are fun. I've yet to pull and of the giveaway cards? Have you seen anyone get anything good?
Matt Flaten said…
I've personally gotten a few 60's commons and a bunch of 70's...I haven't seen anyone pull anything truly amazing so far.
It's started spitting them out again. I got a 1956 card last night.
Matt Flaten said…
Yeah, I didn't have the patience so I blew them on a '07 Frank Thomas and a '90 common.