Show and Tell #69: A Trade A Long Time In The Making

A few weeks ago when I was finally able to use the new Twitter I was now able to see all the mentions I've ever had and I noticed that TwitchWasHere a.k.a. Lonestarr first contacted me about this trade back in 2009 but I never noticed it. Well, good things come to those who wait as he recently sent me this Ahman Green autograph:

2005 Upper Deck Reflections #SR-AG Ahman Green Autograph

Along with it, there were a ton of other Green Bay Packers including these two of Paul Hornung...:

2008 Upper Deck Football Heroes #224 Paul Hornung
2009 Upper Deck Football Heroes #421 Paul Hornung

...and a few of A.J. Hawk before he was even a Packer:

2006 Press Pass SE #OS 16/17 A.J. Hawk
2006 Press Pass Collectors Series #OS 16/25 A.J. Hawk
2006 Press Pass #3A A.J. Hawk

He also sent a mini of Royals closer Joakim Soria which gave me a complete page in my minis binder. Ah, the joy of the completed page!

2009 Topps Allen & Ginter #144 Joakim Soria Mini Black Border

Thanks Lonestarr and I'll get some cards back to you soon!


Anonymous said…
Glad Ahman finally made it to where he belongs and can be rightly appreciated.