From The Rule Book #2: Forward Page

In this series we take a closer look at my 1976 copy of the Official Baseball Rules.

Today, I present the Forward page of my "From The Record Book" series. Last time, the Rule Book paid tribute to Bowie Kuhn, the Commissioner of Baseball when the Rule Book was published in 1976. Today we "honor" the American and National League Presidents and the President of the Natioanal Baseball Association. As before, the previous owner of the book gave the same treatment to Mr. MacPhail, Mr. Feeney, and Mr. Bragan as he did for Mr. Kuhn adding in mustaches, beards, and even a mullet.

Here are some extreme closeups:

Although I'm partial to mullets, my favorite addition is American League President Lee MacPhail's mustache.

Next time on From The Rule Book...some actual rules!
