Now back to my non-stop dayf trade coverage. The Cardboard Junkie must have had a premonition about Ken Griffey's announcement last week because he included a bunch of Junior inserts in his care package...many of which I didn't know existed.
I think this has to be my new favorite Ken Griffey card.
I think we have the design for a statue outside of Safeco Field.
1996 Donruss Studio Stained Glass Stars Ken Griffey Jr.
1995 Fleer Diamond Tribute #6 Ken Griffey Jr.
1996 Pacific Momentos Memorables Milestones #M-9 Ken Griffey Jr.
I think this has to be my new favorite Ken Griffey card.
1998 Leaf State Representatives #1 Ken Griffey Jr. 4567/5000
2000 Fleer Focal Points #13 Ken Griffey Jr.
1999 Pacific #13 Ken Griffey Jr.
I think we have the design for a statue outside of Safeco Field.
1995 Fleer Ultra Checklist #4 Ken Griffey Jr.
1999 Topps Chrome All-Etch #3 Ken Griffey Jr.
1999 Topps Perennial All-Stars #PA1 Ken Griffey Jr.
1998 Fleer Tradition Diamond Standouts #8 Ken Griffey Jr.
1996 Upper Deck A Cut Above #CA3 Ken Griffey Jr.
1999 Upper Deck Power Elite Home Run Heroes #7 Ken Griffey Jr.
1999 Topps Record Numbers #RN4 Ken Griffey Jr.
1995 Fleer Headliner #11 Ken Griffey Jr.
1992 Donruss Gallery of Stars #GS-8 Ken Griffey Jr.
1999 Fleer Fabulous 40s #3 Ken Griffey Jr.