My Own Little Fleer Sticker Project: A's Stickers

When I was writing my review of a pack of 1980 Fleer Baseball Stickers for A Pack To Be Named Later, I made a comment that I would love to make a go at a set of these. The little details on them are so great and seeing all those older logos makes you wonder what some of the teams are thinking with their current ones.

Well, Reader Paul sent me a message that he had a bunch of stickers that he was willing to part with and what I received is just great.

I'm going to be highlighting these cards over the long term and so we will begin tonight alphabetically with the Oakland A's:

[I'm usually very dedicated to including the set and card number with every card I post as a service to you and to keep things straight for me...but if you've ever taken a look at the Fleer stickers it can be sometimes very difficult to figure out what set and what number the card is. That is of course unless you run this blog and have a doctorate in Fleer. So for the stickers that I will highlight here I'm not going to worry about it. If you want to know about a particular card just leave me a comment and I'll try to sort things out.]

"The Swingin' A's" This one is my favorite.


Fleerfan said…
Great post, and thanks for the compliment and link to the Fleer Sticker Project blog.

I'm always glad to see other people mentioning that they like the various Fleer stickers, and I'll be looking forward to your future posts on other teams.

I'm also a big fan of the Swingin' A's logo - much better that what they use today.