Do You Want To Know What The Scum Of The Earth Looks Like?

It looks like this guy in the Kansas City Chiefs hat:

He seems to be Lawrence's resident pack searcher...I've come upon him several times and so I've decided to start documenting the atrocities. I imagine we shall meet again.


beardy said…
Aw man, busted again.
Anthony K. said…
Ok, look, I don't always wear that Kansas City hat.

I can also be seen wearing a Browns hat, royals hat and, occasionally, a Pirates hat.

I wear hats of teams like I am: a loser.
Unknown said…
Where is the picture taken? I just stumbled across this blog. Is there a card store in Lawrence KS?
Matt Flaten said…
Forgot to mention in the post that it was at Target.

There is one store called The Sports Dome that has Hobby packs but they mainly sell hats and t-shirts...prices are a little much. There is a better one in Topeka called Al's Sports Cards that has more selection and better prices.
Anonymous said…
Heh, I can't believe I didn't think of doing this: I know of at least two in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area who I always see in Wal-Mart's and Target's. Next time, I'm going to take their pic and post,somewhere.
stusigpi said…
Here is my high quality caught in the act:

Word Verification: Fillumw
PunkRockPaint said…
Here is my experience... every word of it true: