My buddy
CS recently served as an enabler and bought me a great big vending box of 1987 Topps. Man I wish the companies still made these sort of boxes and, heck, for that matter that there were still card vending machines...
other than the one Stale Gum knows about...
They are the ultimate jumbo pack but the problem being that they can easily be searched and picked of their prime cards...so has mine been searched or have these cards been patiently waiting 22 years for me?
It turns out mine had been unmolested...it had all the key hits:

Plus, one of my favorite not-quite-so-essential cards:

So with these 500 cards...no doubles by the way...plus the other cards from the set I have laying around I am nearly at a complete set...needs list to come.
I think Jim Rice was my biggest hit in that one. I wanted to kill, but at 12 I wasn't that intimidating (not that I am now..._)
Thanks for the awesome flashback, I will keep an eye for your needs list.
No, all the cards were cut fine. None were off center that I noticed.