There Once Was A Time...Part 3: Cop Cards Edition

There Once Was A Time...Part 1
There Once Was A Time...Part 2

There once was a time when you could walk up to a cop in my hometown of Eau Claire, Wisconsin and ask for some Milwaukee Brewers cards and they would give you a whole stack...I miss those days.

These cards are absolutely great. I'm sure that probably every Police Department in Wisconsin
had these cards made up for their city. I probably have four or five team sets from the various years but as my card collection is spread across America, I only have a handful with me in Lawrence.

The 1987 set:

The 1988 set:

I'm including Greg's card just for Night Owl.

The 1989 set:

The 1990 set:

The 1990 Brewers team was pretty darn good...four confirmed or should be Hall of Famers.

Included with the 1990 set was this special neon short-printed variation.


Anonymous said…
Wow. I remember those late 80's editions. When growing up in Wausau, there was police officer who lived just down road and he was always handing out cards - even to so called "troubled" kids.