And now it's time for a new segment here on Heartbreaking Cards in which we discuss the latest world news events with Washington Nationals reliever Chad Codero's Disembodied Head...let's jump right in:
In Iraq, the guy who threw his shoes at President Bush got three years in prison...your thoughts?

Spain marked the 5th anniversary of the 3/11 Madrid train bombings this week. Looking over the past half decade would you say that Spanish national politics have been more or less affected by the attacks than American politics was after September 11th?
North Korea is either going to test a missile or launch a satellite next week. What are the global implications if the United States shoots down whatever North Korea lauches?
In a recent article, Pat Buchanan argued that Mexico could turn into a North American version of Afghanistan. Do you think the illegal drug trade could destabilize the government so much that it could become a rogue state?

Couldn't have put it better myself. Thanks Chad.
Join us next week for another edition of World News With Chad Codero's Disembodied Head.
In Iraq, the guy who threw his shoes at President Bush got three years in prison...your thoughts?

Spain marked the 5th anniversary of the 3/11 Madrid train bombings this week. Looking over the past half decade would you say that Spanish national politics have been more or less affected by the attacks than American politics was after September 11th?

Couldn't have put it better myself. Thanks Chad.
Join us next week for another edition of World News With Chad Codero's Disembodied Head.