Heartbreaking Packs: 1991 Pro Set PGA Tour

For those of you out there looking for cards of middle aged white guys, have I got the set for you: 1991 Pro Set PGA Tour Cards.

Pack 1:

Only one old man should ever be called "Babe."

PGA 1 Babe Hiskey PGA 1 Bob Tway

PGA 1 Charles Coody PGA 1 Charles Owens

PGA 1 Craig Rudolph PGA 1 Gary Hallberg

PGA 1 George Lanning PGA 1 Greg Twiggs

PGA 1 Hale Irwin PGA 1 Jay Haas

PGA 1 Mark Lye PGA 1 Mike Hill

Pack 2:

PGA 2 Art Wall PGA 2 Billy Mayfair

PGA 2 Charlie Sifford PGA 2 David Frost

PGA 2 Dillard Pruitt PGA 2 Doug Sanders

PGA 2 Gardner Dickinson PGA 2 Gary McCord

PGA 2 Jay Haas PGA 2 John Mahaffey

PGA 2 Roger Maltbie PGA 2 Simon Hobday

Fifty for 2009 Stats
Post #32 of 50
Percent complete: 64%


dayf said…
That's funny that Twiggs, Irwin, Haas and Lye all have the same pose four cards in a row.

Charlie Sifford with the stogie is an awesome looking card.