Two more cards for the 1971 the rate it's going I'll finish the set in about 100 weeks or just under two years...
Jim Kaat has always been one of my 1987 when the Twins won the World Series some players did a sort of "Victory Lap" around the Midwest and Bert Blyleven, Tim Laudner, and Jim Kaat came to my hometown of Eau Claire, WI. They raffled off some prizes and I won an autographed ball signed by the three players. It turned out to be my first Hall of Fame auto and Jim Kaat became one of my favorite "older" Twins along with Rod Carew and Tony Oliva.
Complete Set: 752 cards
Current Total: 7/752 = .93% complete
Jim Kaat has always been one of my 1987 when the Twins won the World Series some players did a sort of "Victory Lap" around the Midwest and Bert Blyleven, Tim Laudner, and Jim Kaat came to my hometown of Eau Claire, WI. They raffled off some prizes and I won an autographed ball signed by the three players. It turned out to be my first Hall of Fame auto and Jim Kaat became one of my favorite "older" Twins along with Rod Carew and Tony Oliva.
Complete Set: 752 cards
Current Total: 7/752 = .93% complete