And Now A Brief Editorial Comment From Thorzul

A little while ago I won a bag of cards from Thorzul and the cards arrived in one of my favorite blaster boxes with two of America's foremost baseball legends, Derek Jeter and the hairless wonder, Kim Kardashian...WHAAAAA? The box was even awesomely modified by Thorzul highlighting some of Kim’s leading points on her resume.

Can I just mention again what a bonehead decision it was by Upper Deck to include the hairless wonder here? Upper Deck couldn't make Pete Rose cards because he bet on baseball. For shame! But if you f**k some guy who is famous for being Brandy’s brother on film and sell it to a porn company? Yes, we’ll make cards for that and put them on the boxes of the product that is marketed to children.

In the box were some really great cards and I'll highlight some more later. Right now I'll just show my favorite of the group. Dave Winfield taunting Kirby Puckett…"touch my hand and you get a Twinkie!”

1994 Pinnacle #332 Dave Winfield


That is one of my all time favorite cards.
Anonymous said…
Just wanted to check on this...If I'm already following your blog, am I automatically entered for a chance to win the Steve Carlton Jersey Card? One other thing...(I know this might sound cheap, but hey, a HoF jersey card is on the line here) If I plug your contest on my blog (and enter the link here so you can verify) would you give me an extra entry in the random drawing?